
Here’s some of what FOG is working on

2021 Greensprings Directory.jpg

2021 Greensprings Directory is Available

We have mailed copies of the directory to everyone on our email list. If you’d like a copy, please go to our “store” on this website, and we’ll send one out to you.


New FOG Website!

You’re looking at it! In the coming months we’ll be adding more content, including more ways for members of the Greensprings community to share thoughts, concerns, and ideas for building community and safeguarding our natural environment.


Hyatt Access Road - Snow Removal

For the past few years, FOG has been paying for snow removal on the Hyatt Access Road that runs between Highway 66 at the Greensprings Inn, and Hyatt Lake. In addition to helping out residents, we’re doing our part to make winter recreation spots accessible, including sledding, skiing, snowshoeing, and snowmobiling.